Saturday, August 2, 2008

Ride Report 08/02/08

Another perfect day for riding!!! We have been very lucky after our first nightmare meeting in June. We met at 1300 for a lunch meeting. It was nice to welcome some new faces and see some new bikes. Larry showed up with his WAY COOL yellow Can Am Spyder. Looks just like something from the future.

We left through New Hampton heading west out of town on B-57 through Ionia. This is about the most scenic black top road in Chickasaw County. After passing through Chickasaw Park we turned south and went down through Nashua. We continued on B-20 out to the west turning north before coming into Charles City. We took a break at the Dairy Queen and Larry's new ride drew onlookers and interesting conversation. Some of us had to have a little ice cream for sustenence to get us going again.

We left heading north through Colwell and then Alta Vista. The group split up at this point to head their own ways. I must say it was a nice ride and the weather was perfect again. We only did about 70 miles as a group this time but most had some distance to go to get home.
I had a great time getting to know a couple new people and hope to see more at future rides!